Bringing Montessori into public conversation!

Dr. Angeline Lillard, author of some of the most significant Montessori research performed to date (in her 2005 book, in 2006, and in 2012), has a substantial new study out in Frontiers in Psychology: Montessori Preschool Elevates and Equalizes Child Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study. The three-year study of children in AMI recognized public Montessori schools in Hartford, Connecticut presents two dramatic results. First, Montessori children rated higher in academic achievement, social cognition, mastery orientation, and school enjoyment. Second, and even more significant for Montessori and education reform, “Montessori education greatly reduced the achievement gap across the preschool years.” The study is clearly written, with line after quotable line of strong support for Montessori interspersed with crunchy statistical data, and should really be read and studied directly, but they key findings are summarized here.Dr. Angeline Lillard, author of some of the most significant Montessori research performed to date (in her 2005 book, in 2006, and in 2012), has a substantial new study out in Frontiers in Psychology: Montessori Preschool Elevates and Equalizes Child Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study. The three-year study of children in AMI recognized public Montessori schools in Hartford, Connecticut presents two dramatic results. First, Montessori children rated higher in academic achievement, social cognition, mastery orientation, and school enjoyment. Second, and even more significant for Montessori and education reform, “Montessori education greatly reduced the achievement gap across the preschool years.” The study is clearly written, with line after quotable line of strong support for Montessori interspersed with crunchy statistical data, and should really be read and studied directly, but they key findings are summarized here.

Read the full article here!

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